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Communication is the key to happier health care visits

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:13 pm
by mjstrand
We have all been involved in enjoyable situations and stressful situations. Sometimes the stressful ones are from physical issues, but most of the time, the stress is created from within ourselves. When we dont know an outcome and have lots of thoughts about how it could be, the stress level rises. Quality communications dramatically eases the stress that our customers feel while they are waiting for a response.

In a doctors waiting room, for example, the patients are there because they dont feel well. While they are waiting, they are thinking about their issue, how it may be solved, and the possible outcomes. Most people think about the negative outcomes most which increases their stress level and decreases their overall "customer satisfaction". The waiting time is getting longer and longer for many reasons, one of the biggest being answering the questions of other patients.

By installing a communication system in the waiting room of the doctors office, the patient will be thinking about whatever is on the screen rather than increasing their stress level. Answers to common issues can be displayed to provide information. Talk about personal things the doctors have done to help build a rapport and keep people interested. Estimated waiting times can be displayed and updated throughout the day. This and more will help take people's minds off of their troubles making them healthier, happier people with to deal with when they are finally seen by the doctor.